Virtual Paperwork: Programs and Ideas: Eighth Global Convention on Virtual Paperwork and Digital Publishing,...

This quantity comprises the court cases of 2 contemporary meetings within the ?eld of digital publishing and virtual paperwork: - DDEP 2000, the Eighth Global Convention on Virtual Paperwork and Digital Publishing, the successor convention to the EP convention sequence; and - PODDP 2000, the Fifth Global Workshop at the Ideas of Virtual Record Processing. Each meetings have been held on the Technische Universit��������� at Munc ��������� chicken, Munich, Germany in September 2000. DDEP 2000 was once the 8th in a biennial sequence of global meetings arranged to advertise the alternate of novel concepts in regards to the pc p- duction, manipulation and dissemination of paperwork. This convention sequence has tried to re'ect the evolving nature and utilization of paperwork through treating virtual paperwork and digital publishing as a huge matter protecting many - pects. Those sides have integrated record fashions, record illustration and record dissemination, dynamic and hyper-documents, record ana- sis and control, and wide-ranging packages. The papers introduced at DDEP 2000 and on this quantity re'ect this huge view, and canopy such numerous topicsashypermediastructureanddesign,multimediaauthoringtechniquesand methods, record construction inference, typography, record control and adaptation, record collections and Petri nets. All papers have been refereed through a world program committee.

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