EthOS CCMiner setup to mine Vertcoin, Mona, ZenCash, Digibyte and extra!-Mining Dudes [youtube]

On this video Dave from will present you the right way to setup CCminer in ethOS which may mine over 25 totally different cash. On this video he makes use of Vertcoin for instance

How one can mine vertcoin, ZenCash and so on..

Under you possibly can see the 25 totally different cash to mine:
| Bytecoin(BCN) | Decred(DCR) | Digibyte(DGB) | Ethereum(ETH) | EthereumClassic(ETC) | Expanse(EXP) | Feathercoin(FTC) | GroestlCoin(GRS) | Halcyon(HAL) | Hush(HUSH) | Karbowanec(KRB) | Komodo(KMD) LBRY(LBC) | Monero(XMR) | Musicoin(MUSIC) | Myriad-Groestl(XMY) | Orbitcoin(ORB) | PascalLite(PASL) | Phoenixcoin(PXC) | Sibcoin(SIB) | Soilcoin(SOIL) | Sumokoin(SUMO) | Ubiq(UBQ) | Vertcoin(VTC) | Zcash(ZEC) | Zclassic(ZCL) | Zencash(ZEN) |

Under are the totally different Scripts and flag's that you will want:ccminer flags line should embrace -a and one of many following algorithms

ccminer=flags -a decred

bastion Hefty bastion
bitcore Timetravel-10
blake Blake 256 (SFR)
blake2s Blake2-S 256 (NEVA)
blakecoin Quick Blake 256 (Eight rounds)
bmw BMW 256
cryptolight AEON cryptonight (MEM/2)
cryptonight XMR cryptonight
c11/flax X11 variant
decred Decred Blake256
deep Deepcoin
equihash Zcash Equihash
dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl
recent Freshcoin (shavite 80)
fugue256 Fuguecoin
groestl Groestlcoin
heavy Heavycoin
hmq1725 Doubloons / Espers
jha JHA v8 (JackpotCoin)
keccak Keccak-256 (Maxcoin)
lbry LBRY Credit (Sha/Ripemd)
luffa Joincoin
lyra2 CryptoCoin
lyra2v2 VertCoin
lyra2z ZeroCoin (third impl)
mjollnir Mjollnircoin
myr-gr Myriad-Groestl
neoscrypt FeatherCoin, Phoenix, UFO...
nist5 NIST5 (TalkCoin)
penta Pentablake hash (5x Blake 512)
quark Quark
qubit Qubit
sha256d SHA256d (bitcoin)
sha256t SHA256 x3
sia SIA (Blake2B)
sib Sibcoin (X11+Streebog)
scrypt Scrypt
scrypt-jane Scrypt-jane Chacha
skein Skein SHA2 (Skeincoin)
skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin)
skunk Skein Dice Fugue Streebog
s3 S3 (1Coin)
timetravel Machinecoin permuted x8
tribus Denerius
vanilla Blake256-Eight (VNL)
veltor Thorsriddle streebog
whirlcoin Outdated Whirlcoin (Whirlpool algo)
whirlpool Whirlpool algo
x11evo Permuted x11 (Revolver)
x11 X11 (DarkCoin)
x13 X13 (MaruCoin)
x14 X14
x15 X15
x17 X17
wildkeccak Boolberry
zr5 ZR5 (ZiftrCoin)

For all different data be at liberty to e-mail us at gross

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